Badminton at Tapton School

Join Ranmoor Badminton Club at Tapton School
Join Ranmoor Badminton Club on Fridays at Tapton School

Ranmoor Badminton Club is looking for new recruits.

They are after existing players over 16 years old who are keen to play friendly and competitive doubles games from 7-10pm on Friday nights at Tapton School in Crosspool. This is usually followed by a couple of drinks in a local pub.

If you’re interested then please get in touch with them by calling 0114 230 2961 or on email using

One Reply to “”

  1. Hi Lesley,
    Could you please tell me if you want expert players, as I played some 20 years back and would like to try and play again, you won’t hert my feelings by saying and the tip to the local sounds good after. Thanks Helen.

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