Crosspool Festival 2024 Art, Craft, Photography Exhibition

2024 Crosspool Festival
Art, Craft, Photography Exhibition,
Demonstrations and Awards.
Tuesday 2nd & Wednesday 3rd July.

MIDDAY this FRIDAY 28th JUNE is the Closing Date for entries into Crosspool Festival’s popular two-day exhibition for the people of Crosspool to showcase their creativity in the areas of Art, Craft, and Photography.
Anyone who lives, works, worships, volunteers, visits, shops, or goes to school in the Crosspool area can enter and have their submission exhibited. There will be a chance also to win some prizes, which are sponsored by Cocker & Carr Estate Agents.

During the two days, there will also be demonstrations by local residents on watercolour painting, wood turning, origami and lace making.
There is no theme to follow, just show us what you can create. You can enter as many of the categories as you want, but no more than two entries per category. 

All visitors to the exhibition will be able to vote for their favourites entries in both the under 16s and over 16s categories.After the exhibition, Cocker & Carr will then put on a window display for some of the entries.

How to enter.

  • Under 16s
  • Everyone over 16 years.

You can submit up to two creations that you have made yourself.
You must include a card that gives details of

  • Your name
  • Age category
  • Your contact email and phone number.

Entries can be dropped off at Cocker & Carr Estate Agents.
The deadline for submissions is midday this Friday, 28th June.

  • Under 16s
  • Everyone over 16 years.

You can submit a maximum of two images and the prints can be any size from A5 up to A3. They can be print only or be mounted or framed.
On the back, you must state

  • Your name
  • Age category
  • Your contact email and phone number
  • A title for your photo.

Entries can be dropped off at Cocker & Carr Estate Agents.
The deadline for submissions is midday this Friday, 28th June.

2024 Crosspool Festival Art, Craft, Photography Exhibition

This summer, Crosspool Festival is holding its popular two-day Art, Craft, and Photography for the people of Crosspool to showcase their creativity in the areas of Art, Craft, and Photography.

Anyone who lives, works, worships, volunteers, visits, shops or goes to school in the Crosspool area can enter and have their submission exhibited. There will be a chance also to win some prizes, which are sponsored by Cocker & Carr Estate Agents.

During the two days, there will also be demonstrations by local residents on watercolour painting, wood turning and lace making.

If you would like to offer to demonstrate your skill/hobby, then please contact us using the details below*.
There is no theme to follow, just show us what you can create. You can enter as many of the categories as you want, but no more than two entries per category. 

All visitors to the exhibition will be able to vote for their favourite entries in both the under-16s and over-16s categories.

After the exhibition, Cocker & Carr will then put on a window display for some of the entries
How to enter.

Art and Craft Creations.
This is open to

  • Under 16s
  • Everyone over 16 years

You can submit up to two creations that you have made yourself.
You must include a card that gives details of

  • Your name
  • Age category
  • Your contact email and phone number.

From Monday 10th June, you can drop off your entries at Cocker & Carr Estate Agents. The closing date is midday on Friday 28th June.

This is open to

  • Everyone over 16 years old.
  • Under 16s

You can submit a maximum of two images and the prints can be any size from A5 or A3. They can be printed only or be mounted or framed. On the back, you must state:

  • Your name
  • Age category
  • Your contact email and phone number
  • A title for your photo.

From Monday 10th June, you can drop off your entries at Cocker & Carr Estate Agents. The closing date is midday on Friday 28th June.

Collection of your exhibits.

You can take home your work on Wednesday 3rd July from 6:30 to 7pm or by special arrangements made via emailing the contact details below.

*For further information on all the categories, and to demonstrate your hobby, contact

Crosspool Festival CreativityShowcase

 Crosspool Festival Week, Friday, June 28th to Sunday7th July 2024

This July, Crosspool Festival is again holding its popular two-day exhibition for the people of Crosspool to showcase their creativity in the areas of Art, Craft, Photography and Cake Making.

This is open to anyone who lives, works, visits, shops, worships, or goes to school in Crosspool.
There is no theme to follow, just show us what you can create.

There will also be demonstrations on woodturning, painting and lace making. If you would like to demonstrate your hobby craft, then email

Visitors to the exhibition will be able to vote for their favourite entry in the artcraft and photography categories. ( insert re cake judging)

 The categories for entry are as follows: –
Art, Craft, Photography: (two categories for each)

  • Under 16 years.
  • Everyone over 16 years old.

In the Photography Exhibition you can enter up to two images and the prints can be any size from A5 to  A3. They can be printed only or be mounted and/or framed.
There is no restriction on the size in the art or craft categories.
Entries will be put on display for everyone to view and admire at St Columba’s Church, Manchester Road on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July 2024.
After the exhibition, Cocker & Carr will display in their window some of the entries in the art, craft and photography categories

This year we are introducing a new approach to cake baking…. Crosspool Bake Off.
This will be on 2nd July and also held at St Columba Church.


*NO FRESH CREAM PLEASE BECAUSE THERE ARE NO REFRIGERATION FACILITIES* For further information on all the categories, contact

Go wild and enter the Crosspool Festival 2017 photo competition

2017 Crosspool Festival photo competition
2017 Crosspool Festival photo competition

Deadline extended to Sunday 11 June – get your entries in now!

To enter the competition, take a great photo on the theme of Crosspool WILD and email it to

Use your imagination to portray wildness in Crosspool. Perhaps you might want to capture wildlife such as our birds, animals, trees and plants. Perhaps you take a snap of something or someone that has a wild look or appearance, or you capture an emotion, such as wild enthusiasm, excitement, joy or even anger. We also have some amazingly out-of-this-world events and activities here in Crosspool, including some wild weather at times! So there are plenty of opportunities to go wild with.

Remember, the photo should make an impact, tell a story and follow the theme of wild.

Categories are open to anyone living/working/ studying in the area and are as follows:

  • Primary (5-11 yrs)
  • Secondary (12-18 yrs)
  • Adult (19 yrs+)

The closing date for entries is Monday 29 May Sunday 11 June.

Email your photo as a jpg to:

Remember to include:

  • Your name
  • Age category
  • Your contact email and phone number
  • A caption for your photo so the judges clearly understand by your description what is happening in the photo.

There will be prizes for all the category winners and their photo framed.

The best three in each category will be put on the Crosspool Forum website where voting for the winners will take place. The exhibition at St Columba’s will display all the entries on Thursday 29 June from 1.30pm-4.30pm. You can also meet photographers from Sheffield Photographic Society, see their photos on display and ask them your photo questions. The winners will be announced at St Columba’s on Thursday 29 June at 4pm. Tea and coffee will be provided by St Columba’s. The prizes will be awarded at the Summer Fayre on Saturday 1 July.

Enter the Crosspool Festival 2016 photo competition

Photo 1 - vote for this at the bottom of the page
The winning photo in last year’s photo competition

To enter the competition, take a great photo that shows ACTION and email it to us. It doesn’t need to capture movement in the photo as that is technically quite challenging but just something that suggests some action is about to happen or that there is a sense of movement.

Remember, the photo should make an impact, tell a story and follow the theme of ACTION.

Categories are open to anyone living/working/ studying in the area and are as follows:

  • Primary (5-11 yrs)
  • Secondary (12-18 yrs)
  • Adult (19 yrs+)

Closing date for entries is Sunday 19 June.

Email your photo as a jpg to:

Please state:

  • Your name
  • Age category
  • Your contact email and phone number
  • A caption for your photo so the judges clearly understand by your description what is happening in the photo.

There will be prizes for all the category winners.

The adult winner’s photo will also be included in this year’s Crosspool Calendar. The best three in each category will be put on the Crosspool Forum website and voting for the winners will start from Monday 20 June. The exhibition at St Columba’s will display all the entries on Wednesday 29 June from 1.30pm-4.30pm. You can also meet photographers from Sheffield Photographic Society, see their photos on display and ask them your photo questions. Maybe we can start a local photography group? The winners will be announced at St Columba’s on Wednesday 29 June at 4pm. Tea and coffee will be provided by St Columba’s.

One month left to send in your photos for the 2016 Crosspool Calendar

2015 Crosspool calendar
Last year’s Crosspool Calendar was such a success that another one is planned for 2016 – and we want your photos to be part of it

There are just over four weeks left to send in any photos you’d like considering for next year’s Crosspool Calendar.

The deadline to submit your pictures is Wednesday 30 September.

If you own any of your own photos – old or new – that you’d like to be considered for inclusion in the 2016 calender, please email them to, with the subject line ‘2016 calendar photos’ remembering to include your name, address and telephone number.

We’re after a variety of views, eras and seasons and it doesn’t matter if your photo is taken on a cheap camera or phone.

Remember, you must own the copyright for any photo that you submit. And by sending us the photo you agree that we can use it on the Crosspool Calendar, Crosspool News website, social media and for any other promotional means.

Money raised will help Crosspool Forum funds for local events and improvements to our neighbourhood.

All 300 copies of the 2015 edition sold in a few weeks. The calendar featured Crosspool scenes from over the years. Many of the photos in the calendar were taken by local residents, plus there were some archive shots showing familiar locations looking very different in times gone by.

Your photos wanted for the 2016 Crosspool Calendar

2015 Crosspool calendar
Last year’s Crosspool Calendar was such a success that another one is planned for 2016 – and we want your photos to be part of it

Another Crosspool Calendar is planned for 2016 – and your photos could be part of it.

All 300 copies of the 2015 edition sold in a few weeks. The calendar featured Crosspool scenes from over the years. Many of the photos in the calendar were taken by local residents, plus there were some archive shots showing familiar locations looking very different in times gone by.

How you can help us compile the 2016 calendar

If you own any of your own photos – old or new – that you’d like to be considered for inclusion in the 2016 calender, please email them to, with the subject line ‘2016 calendar photos’ remembering to include your name, address and telephone number.

The deadline to submit your pictures is Wednesday 30 September.

We’re after a variety of views, eras and seasons and it doesn’t matter if your photo is taken on a cheap camera or phone.

Remember, you must own the copyright for any photo that you submit. And by sending us the photo you agree that we can use it on the Crosspool Calendar, Crosspool News website, social media and for any other promotional means.

Money raised will help Crosspool Forum funds for local events and improvements to our neighbourhood.

Last chance to enter Crosspool Festival photography competition

This weekend is the last chance for under 18s to enter this year’s Crosspool Festival photography competition.

The title for the photo is: Things that give me joy! We are looking for a winning photo that tells a story to the viewer and that really captures the essence of joy.

The first prize is £25, a memento of your win and a framed copy of your winning photo. Runners up will each receive a framed copy of their photo.

All entries will be displayed during the festival. You can vote for your favourite on this website during Festival week, 26-5 July.

  • The closing date for entries is 31 May 2015.
  • Entries need to be emailed as a jpg to
  • One entry per person
  • You need to include your name and surname, contact home phone number, age and school/group with your entry

For any further info, please email Lindsey Beagles:

Young people invited to enter Crosspool Festival photography competition

The Crosspool Festival committee is inviting any young person who is 18 and under to take part in this year’s Crosspool Festival photography competition.

The title for the photo is: Things that give me joy! We are looking for a winning photo that tells a story to the viewer and that really captures the essence of joy.

The first prize is £25, a memento of your win and a framed copy of your winning photo. Runners up will each receive a framed copy of their photo.

All entries will be displayed during the festival. You can vote for your favourite on this website during Festival week, 26-5 July.

  • The closing date for entries is 31 May 2015.
  • Entries need to be emailed as a jpg to
  • One entry per person
  • You need to include your name and surname, contact home phone number, age and school/group with your entry

For any further info, please email Lindsey Beagles: