Charisma open on Sunday mornings during December

Charisma: open on Sunday mornings during December
Charisma: open on Sunday mornings during December

Crosspool card and gift shop Charisma will be open Sundays in December from 9:30am to 1.00pm to give customers more time to browse and stock up for Christmas.

They also have an online shop, at, and you can follow them on Twitter at @charisma_gifts.

Bullet points from Crosspool Forum Open Meeting/AGM, Thursday 27 October 2011

Open Meeting/AGM at St Columba's
Open Meeting/AGM at St Columba's

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Chairman’s report for the year (Ian Hague)

  1. Planning – Turner Investments application for enlarging Motorworld was declined.
  2. The Crosspool Clarion is still very successful – reaching over 2500 houses, & is self-funding.
  3. webpage has become very popular.
  4. Computer courses – St Columbas Fri – go from strength to strength.A new course will start in Jan 2012 – names to Ian.
  5. SWCA meeting – next one Wesley Hall, Crookes, Dec 15th. Council Cabinet Members will be available from 5.45-6.45 for questions.
  6. Community skip today – successful
  7. The usual car boot sales, Crosspool Festival & Summer Fayre, Christmas trees & floral displays – winning Silver again!- & daffs & crocus planting on the verges. The Christmas trees will go up in early December – helpers please (keep an eye on web site for date).
  8. The Forum continues to look after Hagg Copse.
  9. Stephen Hill/Benty Lane junction still on the agenda – hope to have a report in the next Open Meeting.
  10. Council grant for 20 Union flags & poles – to decorate the precinct in time for the 2012 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and Olympic games.

Treasurer’s Report (Chris Batchelor)

Our bank account remains healthy– but this is because the grant for the flags has yet to be spent, and next years’ summer flowers will need to be paid for.

Crosspool Festival

This will start on 7th July with Crosspool Open Gardens, and end with the Summer Fayre on Sat 14th, & Open Air service on Sun 15th. The Festival Committee would like some more helpers – please contact Rev Frances Eccleston or Ian.

Police Report (Pc Louise Atha & Pc Dave Hall)

  1. Allotment break-ins – especially to the society’s hut & container, from which several hundreds of pounds were taken, & a lot of mess caused. Residents were urged to post the serial numbers of eg lawnmowers and similar equipment on the website so stolen items can be traced back to them. Operation Herbaceous is in place to try to stop this.
  2. Scrap metal & lead nicking; Operation Anchor has been targeting & stopping suspicious vehicles in Dore & Totley (19) and Bramall Lane & Ecclesall Rd (34) – & prosecuting those with unroadworthy vans or no waste carrying licences.
  3. Car crime; there have been some break-ins to vehicles on Crookes/Crookesmoor. Residents were urged not to leave satnav cradles on display.
  4. Operation Dark Nights is about to begin for Halloween & Bonfire Night, & shops being checked to ensure no underage sale of alcohol or fireworks is taking place.

Questions were taken on verge bollard use, bad parking on Manchester rd & the proposed closure of Manchester road round Stephen Hill, Delph Hse Rd & Selborne Rd for resurfacing.

Councillors’ Question time (Sylvia Anginotti, Brian Holmes & Geoff Smith)

Councillors answered questions such as a query on attic extension building and trespass by a neighbour, bus timetabling & the new Optio scheme (voluntary partnership agreement between Stagecoach & First – nos. 120 & 52 buses), and why the 51 never seems to come on time!

Residents were asked to keep details of timetabling failures & send them on to Ian Hague, or direct by phone to Pam Horner (SYPTE External Relationships Manager – 0114 2211452).

There were concerns over poor bus lane signage (Ripley St), silly bus lane sections (Mushroom Lane head), and why the 120 stop in town is Flat St & not the Interchange. The Vernon Tce bus shelter issue was raised again – & Cllr Anginotti suggested an online petition direct to Council about this.

Residents asked whether the post box could be moved from outside Craft Angels to a less congested spot in the shopping precinct, but this has been requested before & Royal Mail say they can not do so.

There was also a request to have the word ‘SLOW’ painted at the bottom of Sandygate Rd hill, where drivers come round the bend to the zebra crossing.


  1. A special limited edition of Crosspool cards is available from Craft Angels – £2.50 per pack.
  2. There will be a Christmas Disco at St Columba’s on 4th Dec; tickets from the Crosspool Pet Shop. Father Christmas will be there!
  3. The Sheffield to Castleton & Bakewell bus (operated by Derbyshire County Council) that runs along Manchester rd is to change to number 273/4/5.
  4. Ian Hague is hoping to get funding for an over-60s trip …. music will be involved!
  5. Green Garden Waste bags; remember the last collection will be the week starting 31st Oct. A report on all aspects of waste collection throughout the city is expected, so until this is published there will be no green waste collections.
  6. The Rivelin Valley Conservation Group has been given a Lifetime Achievement Award (collected by Graham Appleby & Keith Kendall).

The next Open Meeting will be Thursday, 26 January 2012. 7pm, St Columba’s.

Download as a PDF (74KB)

Crosspool cards now on sale in Craft Angels

A limited edition pack of five greetings cards featuring photos of Crosspool in the Spring  has gone on sale in Craft Angels.

You can see below some of the local scenes on view in the set, which include daffodils on Manchester Road, the wonderful blossom on Watt Lane and Spring in the precinct.

Envelopes are included and the cards are blank inside so you can use them for general greetings cards, at Christmas, birthdays or other special occasions.

The cards are available now from Craft Angels on Sandygate Road. A pack costs just £2.50 and any money raised will go towards local community group Crosspool Forum.

Crosspool cards
Get your limited edition Crosspool cards now!