Architecture students develop ideas for Broomhill Community Library

Broomhill library flyer

Twelve Sheffield University postgraduate architecture students are spending six weeks developing ideas and proposals for turning Oriel House (the Broomhill Community Library’s building) and its garden into a community hub.

The project is now nearing the end of its fourth week and on Friday 23 (3.30-5.30pm) and Saturday 24 October (10am-noon) the team will be putting on a display in the library of the work it has done so far. Everyone, of all ages, are welcome to come to see the display, to talk to the architects and to comment, criticise and offer further ideas.

At the end of the six week project, the architects will be presenting their work as part of the BBEST Development Meeting which will take place from 3-5.30pm at Broomhill Methodist Church on Saturday 7 November. All are welcome.